Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Leif - July 1976 - 18 months old, With Daddy

These photos were taken in July 1976, shortly before we moved from Manhattan, Kansas to Charlotteville, Virginia. Leif was sharing a snack with his dad. You can see Peter W. in his "fatigues," the old army uniform that was a pain in the backside to starch and iron. He was a captain in the JAG (Judge Advocate General's) Corps, and stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas, where Leif was born.

Peter had been a chief trial counsel (like a chief prosecutor) and had become a magistrate judge at this time.

Leif was not a particularly affectionate child, except to my sister, Lannay. His usual form of affection for me, other than wanting to be held and cuddled, was to wait until I was down on my knees for some reason and take a flying leap at my back.

As he grew up, he gave the best bear hugs . . . but only when I asked him for one. Then he didn't seem to want to let go, so maybe it wasn't that he wasn't affectionate, just that he felt it needed to be "invited."

But here, he gave his daddy a sweet kiss.

I loved seeing moments like this!

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