Sunday, September 14, 2008

Garretsons - Dec. 7, 1975 - Fort Riley, Kansas

This photo of the four of us was taken by an acquaintance outside the Post Chapel at Fort Riley, Kansas, where we had attended a wedding. Leif was ten and a half months old, and Peter Anthony was almost seven years old and was missing his two front teeth.

It was one of those amazingly warm early December days that we sometimes had in Kansas and one of the first photos of the four of us together. How happy we were then, all of us. Our family was complete and our boys were beautiful young rascals. It's hard to believe all the changes that have happened to us since then, all the places we've lived and visited, the friends we made, the achievements we all accomplished, and now Peter Anthony is an Air Force lieutenant colonel, Peter Walter is long retired, and we are grandparents.

How does life go so fast? Why can't we have the years still before us graced with both our wonderful sons? We have so much to be grateful for, despite the tragedy of Leif's death. We had him for thirty three years, and we are grateful for each of them. We still have our brilliant and creatively gifted Peter Anthony, our three beautiful grandchildren, and each other. Though it is hard, through sadness and tears, we have many blessings to count.

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